4 Reasons to Grow Your First Flush of Mushrooms

Spent the morning thinking about how so much has changed in a short period of time since growing mushrooms.

We are still mastering our technique but have gotten way better at consistent flushes.

Here are four reasons to grow mushrooms:

Benefits Your Mental Health
Since you’re here we probably don’t need to sell you on the fact that mushrooms (both psychedelic and non) are great for brain, gut and soul health. The growing technique found in The Odd Moms Grow Guide can be used to grow many varieties of mushrooms that can be added to meals or dehydrated to create your own supplement stack.

Cheap To Start
We kept our set-up super simple and refused to drop cash on any bells and whistles until we had had a few successful flushes under our belts. You probably already own most of the material you need and even if you don’t, you can obtain everything for your grow including a multi-pack of mushroom spores for under $100.

Saves/Makes You Money 
For less than the cost of one month’s supply of store-bought capsules you can create an easy and relatively fool-proof setup. Society’s interest in medicinal mushroom use is going to continue as alternative methods of healing become more and more mainstream. Once you learn this skill it will be a part of your personal wellness routine for years to come and you’ll quickly have more spores than you know what to do with! Growing mushrooms is a simple and quick way to earn an extra income from the comfort of your home.

Honestly, So Rewarding
Growing mushrooms  as a part of our self-healing journeys nurtures our nerdy, introverted inner children. Speaking for myself (Kya here!) - growing mushrooms for microdosing makes me feel that I’m taking a stand against Big Pharma while enhancing my family by gaining skills that can be taught for generations. It’s a simple way to rewild and if you’re our kind of parent, it just makes sense to you, too.

If you’d like to see our set-up, click here for The Grow Log.

Kya Nguyen