Momma Healer

 Shadow Work Art

Meet your inner SELF


 Definition of The Shadow

The unwanted parts of our character that we deny and force into the subconscious due to shame and insecurity. The result in an imbalance between our real self and what we perceive as “the right way” to be.

The more we repress our shadows the more unmanageable they become and may result in fits of anger, depression and general mayhem until we learn sustainable ways to heal.

Shadow Work is the journey of uncovering, loving on and integrating all the sides of yourself.

Shadow Work Art can be the relaxing, creative self-analysis vehicle that gets you there.


FEATURED VIDEO: The Art of Smudging - How to Properly Store And Care For Your Homemade Smudge Bundles - Plus One PRO TIP! ⬇️

📼 Play me!


Catapult your healing.

Easily + authentically self-heal. No fluff. No “gurus”.

Works whether you’re healing from narcissistic parents, heartbreak after divorce, nurturing your inner child, soothing PTSD etc.

All you need is 10 minutes and these 3 questions.

Enter your name and email addy below to get this mini-guide delivered to your inbox immediately for FREE. ($17 value)


    You know you want to heal

    Wellness kits with inner child healing ritual and altar decor create an intentional space that supports your growth. Shop all kits.

    I create art that helps moms honor themselves and their healing journey.

    🔥 The pyrography represents cauterizing generational hurts and leaving a lasting mark on your lineage.

    If you’re my kinda gal, you also dig that:

    • Growth and infinite knowledge are attributes associated with wood, and it’s a grounding addition to any space.

    • Wood also represents a connection with our ancestors - moving upwards while being anchored by our roots.

    • Psychologically, it is the element that represents our flexibility, adaptability, and also divine balance. The trunk of a tree is masculine and the flowering branches symbolize the feminine.

    • Hands are hugely symbolic, too! They represent blessings, work, power, protection, and so much more.

    Kit includes inner child healing ritual instructions and limited-edition pyrography piece.

    Click here to shop.

    The Self-Healer’s
    Soul Card

    The Hermit: Withdrawing and doing “the work” cuz you’re finally tired of your own B.S. and ready to learn the lesson


    • Soul searching

    • Inner guidance

    • Introspection

    • Self analysis

    • Seeking and finding

    • Pilgrimage

    Book Recs


    Sacred Shadow Work Art (Coming Soon!)

    Interested in healing with mushrooms? Click here.