Elements Of A Twin Flame Connection

Originally titled, “Why I believe Twin Flames are real”

Twin Flame writer, Pradnya Pandit shared fifteen points on Quora answering the question “What are some elements of a twin flame relationship?”. Instead of adding more to her already thorough list, I thought I’d expand on her points and share how they showed up for me so far on my twin flame journey. (So far I’ve expanded on twelve of the fifteen points).

Pradnya states, “You can call it a ‘connection' not relationship” and I totally agree. Nothing in the 3D compares to this bond and I do believe that it was my desire to confine and define it that ended up causing my soul partner to run this time. Or at least one of the reasons.

Pradnya’s elements of a twin flame connection are:

  • Feeling of intense unconditional love
    My 3D self hasn’t done the best job at showing her this but I think she knows just as she has said words that hurt me but I don’t doubt that she feels the same way about me. She helps me to see the God in me.

  • Intense sexual attraction
    Goodness gracious. Let me tell you, this attraction was unlike anything I’ve ever experienced. When we finally did have sex, after months of insane sexual tension, I remember waking up the next morning, like damn did I just have real sex for the first time? It was like nothing I’d ever shared with a partner before. My sexual appetite was insatiable, I could go for hours and everything felt like pure bliss.

    It got to the point where I came searching the interwebs for advice on why I was horny all the time. I started reading about kundalini energy but still wasn’t sure cuz ma’am this energy was not radiating from the base of my spine, it was very much my clit throbbing. It was so bad that even though I was sad when we entered another separation I was also relieved. It’s super frustrating waking up to a throbbing so intense that I can only compare it to the feds knocking on my front door.

    On the day we began this current phase of separation I was feeling weak and decided to lay down. While in bed I started getting aroused without any prompting. I reached down to discover that I was dripping wet. For half a second as I felt my wetness I saw her hand in me and squirted for the first (and only) time in my life. I literally sat there in shock looking at my drenched hand. Has anyone else experienced anything like this?

    Later that day after much back and forth she decided that she needed space because the intensity of this connection and constant mirroring was stressing her out.

  • Unexplained inner knowing that there is something special about this person
    I’ve known my TF for 17 years now (as of 2023). She came in one day to a Starbucks I was working at right before I went off for college. A few months later we connected via email.

    Last November, I found one of our original email chains from November 2006. This in itself was so serendipitous as I rediscovered the email almost to the exact day it was sent 16 years prior! In the email chain we were sharing so much about ourselves, secrets and fears that were really personal and not the stuff you’d usually share with someone who is practically a stranger.

    I giggled to myself while rereading because I could see how much we were still these same teenagers but also able to see our growth. There was an email that I sent to her a few days after which I titled “has the fire been extinguished” (coincidental word association as at the time I knew nothing about the twin flame journey) where I asked her where she had disappeared to. She replied that she has wanted to write but didn’t want to come off as needy. Can you guess who the runner is? :)

    We share several parallel lived experiences, similar childhood hurts etc.

  • Magnetic pull towards this person
    Like a moth to a flame. Even during the years that we were platonic friends I felt pulled towards her. Over the years, I’ve had 3 partners request that I sever communication with her (even when we lived in different countries) because they felt threatened by our connection.

  • You can not forget or give up on this person
    I think about her daily. More than daily, she lives in the corners of my mind. When I do find myself thinking about her I wish her well and sometimes send protection to her mentally by the power of the mighty blue flame and sword of Archangel Michael as per Elizabeth Clare Prophet.

  • Feel their essence and energy inside you and around you all the time

  • Not frequent but profound dreams with messages. Synchronicity and signs
    I’ve had several dreams about my twin flame but the one I remember most vividly occurred when we were still in our Bubble Love phase. During one part of this dream my soul partner was holding a massive snail - rivaling the size of Spongebob Squarepants’ pet snail Gary. The snail’s shell had a magnificent woodgrain pattern.

    In the dream we were having a conversation about how the snail had probably been able to survive and grow to such a large size by being able to camouflage so well in trees. As a pyrography artist I work with wood and have studied what trees/wood symbolize elementally and psychologically. Trees represent the divine union of masculine and feminine where the trunk and deep roots depict the masculine and the flowering branches reaching upwards symbolize the feminine. Definite Tree of Life vibes and I remember knowing afterwards that the snail was a sign to go slowly which we were unable to do and ultimately led us to our present separation period.

    In addition to this I definitely noticed an uptick in seeing numbers such as 333, 444, 11:11 and 12:34. My twin also shared that she was experiencing lots of synchronicities and signs that had personal meaning to her as well.

  • You experience awakening and ascension - realizing that the world you can see is just a small part of your whole existence

  • This connection transforms you completely for the better
    100% - it hasn’t made it necessarily easier but it has made it better. Seeing myself in another person and loving her so tenderly helped me to love myself better. Even though we had definite bumps along our journey I entered this phase of separation being able to clearly see the areas I need to improve on.

    I had experienced my first Dark Night of The Soul a few years ago after I separated from my now ex-husband. I spent several years working on myself before my TF reentered my life in 2021. I truly believe the universe sent her not only as a reward for the healing work I had done for myself until that point but also to show me my current blindspots so that I can continue to work on myself. Because that’s what a mirror does, it allows you to see yourself from all angles. As soon as we reunited I was able to spot areas where my personal development had stagnated and several situations that I was comfortable in but not being stretched in - such as my then job and former romantic relationship.

  • You uncover some truths about how this universe works, the magic and the mysteries
    Still working through and uncovering these but yes I’ve definitely grown to trust the universe more since me and my twin’s last union. I mentioned the many synchronicities earlier on in this post and there are some that I haven’t mentioned that still amaze me. I trust that when I heal we will be brought together when the timing is right. Before our last union we went from seeing each other one time in passing after years of no communication to running into each other back-to-back (like 4 times over a two week period) at the most random places.

    Lots of little occurrences that have happened in the last year and a half of us using the term Twin Flame with each other has strengthened my belief in the divine.

  • You learn about light, love, compassion, forgiveness, selfless service
    I forget who says the quote about where the wound is is where the light enters. But holy hell, my twin took a flashlight and stuck it in my wounded areas - MY FEAR OF ABANDONMENT. MY FEAR OF REJECTION - all highlighted. Thirty-six years of my personal patterning illuminated like a neon sign. Seeing now how my patterns where causing ME TO TRIGGER ME! A big one that was illuminated was how I keep quiet in situations where I deserve to advocate for myself out of fear of rocking the boat and how that inevitably always led to me exploding on or totally “going Grey Rock” on those who I felt wronged me. Learning this about myself (something that I’m sure had been pointed out to me several times but it took experiencing it with my TF for it to stick) made me more compassionate to my exes and even to narcissistic family members.

    I saw how I was always ready to perform yet another “selfless” acts of service for my twin and now understand that I need to do these same acts with myself to enter union with myself / align with my divine self.

    I see where I was giving lots but it was my twin, who was in a super stressful season in her life during our last phase was GIVING MORE with less. Similar to the story in the bible of the woman whose offering of two copper coins were seen as more valuable than those that gave plenty. She was offering all she had, but with my 3D glasses on I made myself believe that this was a sign of her lack of love for me.

    I accept every hurt shared between us with grace. I learned that my twin flame never hurt me, what she did was bring up all the hurt that was already living inside of me. It was my own ego that was causing me pain.

    I forgive my twin and importantly myself because I see the scared inner children in us who individually need love and nurturance before we can reunite. There is no word or deed that I haven’t forgiven both my twin and myself for.

  • You learn about patience, faith and belief
    Since my twin and I have separated, I have become more patient. I thought it would be hard because during reunion the idea of being without her again both scared and frustrated me. We had already spent most of our 17 years of knowing each other in different countries. Wasn’t it time for us to unite? Initially we tried to surrender to the union while still in contact with each other - but I see now that that was only silly 3D thinking.

    I’m letting go of her so that she can heal. I’m not going to chase her because I need space and time to heal as well. I’m healing for me knowing that my healing helps her to heal energetically as well. I trust that when the time is right we’ll be together again and if that doesn’t happen during this lifetime then I’ll meet her again in the stars.

    I know that movement/healing is happening even though we are in separation and I cannot know for sure. I’m keeping the faith!

  • The path is tough and painful at times
    Yes! I have loads of amazing memories and lots of love for my TF, but good lord we triggered each other to high heavens! Wounds and childhood hurts that I thought I had healed from reared their ugly heads. Feelings of abandonment, doubting that something so pure could last and then the separation that happened afterwards as it became clear we needed to heal dolo and were not yet in union.

  • You are blessed with the awareness of higher realms and the help offered to you by your spirit guides, and mentors

  • You are blessed with the profound sense of being a part of a bigger plan for a mission to make earth a better place
    My twin flame has always been my muse. We both have the same love of nature and healing and desire for community. During our last reunion we would often plan women’s retreats that we wanted to hold and dream together about the commune that we want to build here in The Bahamas. I know in my being that we will achieve this together when the time is right.

Kya Nguyen